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What To Do When Acne Becomes Severe

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Are you are sufferer of pimples and intense acne breakouts? Acne is a common skin issue that affects many people. But don't worry! Effective methods to combat acne do exist.

A good first step in starting to control your acne is to examine the foods you tend to eat. Do you find that a lot of your food and drink consumption is done on the run or at fast food stops? Habits like these reduce your body's ability to fight off infections caused by acne. Your diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, lean meat, and minimal sugar intake. A diet like this will provide you with the nutrition your body needs.

Do everything you can to avoid becoming dehydrated. Soda doesn't quench your thirst as well as water does. If you find water tasteless and boring, consider options such as making fresh juice with a juicer. Fresh juice has nutritional content that is far superior to store-bought juice.

One nutritional supplement you may want to try is maca. This powdery extract can help balance the systems in your body and has no known negative side effects. Start small. Take a lower dose than recommended, and work your way up to what is indicated on the instructions.

When deciding on the right soap for your sensitive skin, pick those that are made with gentle ingredients that calm the skin. Steer clear of those with harsh chemicals. Harsh chemicals can be drying and irritating to sensitive skin. Some chemicals actually exacerbate acne and sensitivity. Natural cleansers are usually more gentle and effective. Three natural supplements that can help clear your skin are tea tree oil, aloe vera, and chamomile.

Garlic contains medicinal properties that can help with the clearing of any complexion outbreaks. In order to use this, you should crush some cloves of garlic and apply them to the acne breakout. Stay away from your eyes though when applying it. The garlic will attack the bacteria and keep the infection under control, but it can irritate a sore that is open. After letting the garlic rest on your skin for several minutes, gently rinse and dry your face.

A green clay mask can help minimize pores. The clay pulls out all sorts of oils from your skin. Let the mask dry up. Then, thoroughly rinse your skin. Remove any clay residue with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel after you pat your skin dry.

Proper skin care includes lowering your stress levels. When you are too stressed, it can hurt your body and make it harder to ward of skin infections, including acne. Increase the balance in your life and lower your stress level. You will be rewarded with a body that can fight skin ailments and give you clearer and healthier skin.

Use these ideas in your daily routine. If you desire good skin, then you need to put a little thought into what sort of daily attention it is going to receive. In this regimen, make sure to clean your skin multiple times a day. You might want to think about special treatments like scrubbing your face with garlic every week to keep it looking clean and luminous.

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